Example URL (JSON) : https://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/json/00000/searchEngine/default/select?q=tuin
Example URL (XML) : https://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/XML/00000/searchEngine/default/select?q=tuin
Available services :
Select - allows the user to search within the shop's available catalogues
Escaping Special Characters
Solr supports escaping special characters that are part of the query syntax. The current list special characters are
Code Block |
static function escapeSolrValue($string) { $match = array('\\', '+', '-', '&', '|', '!', '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '^', '~', '*', '?', ':', '"', ';', ' ', 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT'); $replace = array('\\\\', '\\+', '\\-', '\\&', '\\|', '\\!', '\\(', '\\)', '\\{', '\\}', '\\[', '\\]', '\\^', '\\~', '\\*', '\\?', '\\:', '\\"', '\\;', '\\ ', '\\AND', '\\OR', '\\NOT'); $string = str_replace($match, $replace, $string); return $string; } |
Useful links
http://www.editeur.org/93/release-3.0-downloads/ - The official ONIX 3 standard documenation
http://www.w3schools.com/json/ - Introduction to Json
http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/xpath_syntax.asp - Introduction to Json