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This documentation aims to guide developers in implementing Second Hand functionality on a website.

In this documentation, you will find instructions on how to add Second Hand to your website, as well as code examples to help you get started.


To perform a search exclusively on our second-hand catalog, you are required to explicitly add the DBS catalog number to your "searchEngine" query using the following syntax: "(AND DBS:00000)". This will limit the results of your search to second-hand items only.



In order to only view the second hand catalog in a search engine query, you have to add a restriction on the DBS catalog with the syntax “(AND DBS:xxxxx)". In other hand if you want to exclude the second-hand catalog you would use the syntax "(AND NOT DBS:00000xxxxx)". This will exclude the search results related to second-hand items.

It is important to note that the DBS catalog number must be replaced by the corresponding number provided in our second-hand catalog.



The Web Service for adding


“DBS” number is your second hand catalog number.

How to make a search engine request:


Add second hand product to shopping cart

The Web Service to add an item to the shopping cart remains the same, except that a "secondHandFictif" field has been added. This field will take as value the Medialog’s EAN of Medialog. To find this EAN, there are two possibilities: either by using the following Web Service “infoSecondHand” with the "eanf" field, or by using the "dbpGroup" of the SearchEngine response.


make sure you have added the dbp parameter in the update and remove, see this link:


Get the second hand products by ean

The Web Service provided at this URL allows you to check the “/product/infoSecondHand…” give you the bookstore real-time stock in the bookstore order to verify check the availability of a second - hand product availability. It is recommended to use it in verification of the as check with your SearchEngine search , as well. As the data provided by the latter ERP is only generated every 24 hours. By using this Web Service, you can ensure that the stock information is accurate and up-to-date. An ordered item is removed when it is processed in as soon as it has been processed by the ERP (Medialog)

The Web Service uses the actual (new) EAN of the article in the "ean" field.




The parameter {ean} can be separate by a coma to get many ean in several eans at the same WebService request. Example:,9789025752095,9789089982087
