Cart / Order lines
Although cart and order lines are all products, they may be displayed differently, depending on whether or not they has promotional prices and available discounts (applied or not).
Promotions belong to the providers. A promotional price is directly provided by our search engine.
Discounts are automatically applied when the products are added to the cart.
Discounts belong to the bookshop. They are to be configured in the back office, where a maximum discount percentage is defined.
To apply those discounts, see the services Add product and Discounts.
Regular product
Without promotions nor discounts
"id": 717,
"ean": 9789002260902,
"title": "Captain America",
"author": "Marvel & James Vandermeersch & Peter de Bruin",
"price": 6.99,
"quantity": 1,
"productForm": "BB"
Only the Price value is shown.
When only that key is given, that's a regular product.
Product with promotion
Only a promotion is running on that product ; no custom discount are available.
"id": 717,
"ean": 9789002260902,
"title": "Captain America",
"author": "Marvel & James Vandermeersch & Peter de Bruin",
"price": 4.99,
"quantity": 1,
"productForm": "BB",
"priceFull": 6.99
Price is the actual price of the product, while PriceFull is the regular one.
When those two and only those two keys are available, it's a product with a promo.
Product with discount
A discount has been defined and is available for (and applied to) that product.
"id": 717,
"ean": 9789002260902,
"title": "Captain America",
"author": "Marvel & James Vandermeersch & Peter de Bruin",
"price": 5.94,
"quantity": 1,
"productForm": "BB",
"priceFull": 6.99,
"discount": 15
Price is the price of the product with the discount applied, PriceFull is the price without the discount, and Discount is the discount.
When those three keys are available, it's a product with a product with a discount.
Product with promotion AND discount
That product benefits from both promotion and discount.
"id": 717,
"ean": 9789002260902,
"title": "Captain America",
"author": "Marvel & James Vandermeersch & Peter de Bruin",
"price": 4.24,
"quantity": 1,
"productForm": "BB",
"priceFull": 6.99,
"pricePromo": 4.99,
"discount": 15
Price is as usually the actual price, PriceFull is the price without discount and discount, PricePromo is the promotional price without discount, and discount is the discount.
When those four keys are given, it's a product with both discount and discount.
Decision chart
Here's the decision chart : “what is that book ?”