Buckaroo is a full-service Billing & Payment Service provider. To be redirected to Buckaroo, you need to submit a form to Buckaroo services with a signature.
Using this functionality is not recommended because TiteLive has no partner link with Buckaroo any more. Therefore we recommand to switch over to MutiSafePay. If Buckaroo is preferred then we advice to use the Order status update.
Buckaroo information
This service return all information needed to create a form to be redirected to Buckaroo.
URL : http://{WS_URL}/{returnType}/{domainCode}/admin/order/{orderID}/buckaroo
Parameters | Location | Type | Required | Default | Accepted | Description |
token | Header | String(26) | v |
orderID | Path | Long | v |
brq_description | Query | String |
| *see note tip |
| The description of the transaction |
brq_return | Query | String |
| *see note tip |
| The return URL that the consumer will be sent after payment |
brq_returncancel | Query | String |
| *see note tip |
| The return URL to the consumer cancels the payment. |
brq_returnerror | Query | String |
| *see note tip |
| The return URL if an error occurs during the order process. |
brq_returnreject | Query | String |
| *see note tip |
| The return URL as the payment is rejected by an external processor. |
If the parameter is empty, the WebService take the default value discuss in advance with the customer
"response": {
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "information buckaroo",
"object": {
"buckaroo": {
"brq_websitekey": "XXXXXXX",
"brq_amount": 59.85,
"brq_culture": "US",
"brq_currency": "USD",
"brq_description": "Payment of your orders at bookstore Stark Entreprise.",
"brq_invoicenumber": "185478",
"brq_return": "https://www.starkentreprise.com/index.php?task=buckaroo&subtask=success",
"brq_returncancel": "https://www.starkentreprise.com/index.php?task=buckaroo&subtask=cancel",
"brq_returnerror": "https://www.starkentreprise.com/index.php?task=buckaroo&subtask=error",
"brq_returnreject": "https://www.starkentreprise.com/index.php?task=buckaroo&subtask=reject",
"brq_signature": "1b34b8d09decce22bcf2d106dd8ba0f0d2c2510d"
Save Payment
Save information from Buckaroo.
URL : http://{WS_URL}/{returnType}/{domainCode}/admin/order/savePayment
Parameters | Location | Type | Required | Default | Accepted |
content | Form | String | v |
| The POST value from Buckaroo |
"response": {
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "save payment",
Call the webService Get customer information (GET)
Get the response and set values into a HTML FORM like this
<form class="pt" action="https://checkout.buckaroo.nl/html/" method="post">
<input type="hidden" id="brq_websitekey" name="brq_websitekey" value="XXXX">
<input type="hidden" id="brq_amount" name="brq_amount" value="59.85">
<input type="hidden" id="brq_currency" name="brq_currency" value="USD">
<input type="hidden" id="brq_invoicenumber" name="brq_invoicenumber" value="185478">
<input type="hidden" id="brq_signature" name="brq_signature" value="1b34b8d09decce22bcf2d106dd8ba0f0d2c2510d">
<input type="hidden" id="brq_culture" name="brq_culture" value="US">
<input type="hidden" id="brq_description" name="brq_description" value="Betaling van uw bestellingen bij boekhandel Van Dinter.">
<input type="hidden" id="brq_return" name="brq_return" value="https://www.starkentreprise.com/index.php?task=buckaroo&subtask=success">
<input type="hidden" id="brq_returnreject" name="brq_returnreject" value="https://www.starkentreprise.com/index.php?task=buckaroo&subtask=reject">
<input type="hidden" id="brq_returnerror" name="brq_returnerror" value="https://www.starkentreprise.com/index.php?task=buckaroo&subtask=error">
<input type="hidden" id="brq_returncancel" name="brq_returncancel" value="https://www.starkentreprise.com/index.php?task=buckaroo&subtask=cancel">
<input class="pt" type="image" id="submitbuck" alt="Push here" name="submit" src="/images/buckaroo.png">
Normally, you are redirected to Buckaroo
Once the customer has completed the payment, he will be sent back via Buckaroo webshop. Buckaroo provides additional information with it, so the shop will receive the last known information. This information is sent via POST and you must call Save payment (POST) to set values of buckaroo in database.
if ($subtask == 'success') {
$curl = curl_init('https://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/json/00000/admin/order/savePayment');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 2);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'content='.json_encode($_POST)); //$_POST is values send by BUCKAROO
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/json/00000/admin/order/savePayment');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
The redirection on your site is specify on the variable brq_return in the HTML FORM
Utils links
Documentation of Buckaroo : https://support.buckaroo.nl/index.php/HTML_Pro_koppeling