Query syntax
The q-parameter is the main query for the request. Every call to the Select-resource should at least have the q-parameter. This parameter contains the value on which a search will be executed. The default query schould at least contains 3 characters next to the used wildcards.
Queries which take more than 5 seconds to be executed, will be interrupted and return an empty result.
Default search
If only keywords are specified in the q-parameter, then a search will be done on the indexes TITLE, CONTRIBUTORS(authors) AND SUBTITLE AND KAYWORDS AND SERIES(collections) .
Searches on multiple values or keywords can also be achieved by separating each value with an HTML-encoded white space (%20):
Advanced search
Our search engine has a lot of fields/information on which a search can be done. By specifying an index in the q-parameter, an advanced search can be constructed.
Available indexes:
Index name | Type | Detail |
PRODUCT_ID | long | ID of product |
EAN | long | EAN-13 |
DBPGROUP | int | ID of a group of suppliers |
DBPROVIDER | int | ID of a supplier |
DBS | int | ID of a webshop |
PRODUCTAVAILABILITY | int | Code indicating the availability of a product from a supplier onix_code_productavailability.pdf |
PUBLISHINGSTATUS | int | Code which indicates the status of a published product onix_code_publishingstatus.pdf |
PRICETTC | float | The price amount |
PRODUCTFORM | string | Code which indicates the primary form of a product onix_code_productform.pdf |
CURRENCYCODE | string | An ISO standard code identifying the currency |
PUBLICATIONDATE | int | Nominal date of publication (format: YYYYMMDD) |
TITLE | string | The title element refers to an individual product |
SUBTITLE | string | The subtitle element refers to an individual product |
PUBLISHER | string | Publisher of the product |
CONTRIBUTORS | string | The contributor(s) (authors) of a product |
LANGUAGE | string | The language(s) of the text of a product |
TITLEOFSERIES | string | Title of a collection of which the product is part |
SUPPLIERNAME | string | The name of a supply source from which the product may be ordered by a trade customer |
LAST_MODIFIED | date | The last date on which the product information has been modified |
NUR | string | Nurcode (Nederlandstalige Uniforme Rubrieksindeling) |
CSR | string | Code for French book |
BIC | string | This is BIC's Subject Categories and Qualifiers Scheme |
CLIL | string | Intended to classify the different categories of paper books and digital books for the use of all actors of the interprofession |
THEMA | array string | Classification thematic http://editeur.dyndns.org/thema |
KEY_WORDS | array string | Where multiple keywords or keyword phrases are sent in a single instance |
NSTC | string | NSTC stands for Dutch Standard Text Code and groupes different ISBNs that tell the same story in the eyes of consumers |
IMPRINT | string | Imprint of the product, as well as those of other associated entities, eg co-publishers. It may also carry details of a contact responsible for responding to promotional or sales queries about the product |
Range search
A range query selects results with values between a specified lower and upper bound. Range queries work on numeric fields, date fields, and even string and text fields.
https://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/json/00000/searchEngine/onix3/select?q=PRICETTC:[50%20TO%20100] - displays results of articles with prices between 50 and 100
https://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/json/00000/searchEngine/onix3/select?q=PRICETTC:[50%20TO%20*] - displays results of articles with prices higher than 50
https://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/json/00000/searchEngine/onix3/select?q=PRICETTC:[*%20TO%20*] - displays results of articles with a price of 20
Available indexes on FACET
Index name | Type | Detail |
IMPRINT_FACET | string | facet for imprint |
PUBLISHER_FACET | string | facet for publisher |
CONTRIBUTORS_FACET | string | facet for contributors |
TITLEOFSERIES_FACET | string | facet for title of series |
http://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/json/00000/searchEngine/onix3/select?q=huis&facet=true&facet.field=PUBLISHER_FACET - displays results of articles with group by publisher with count
Wildcard search
Our search engine supports single- and multiple character wildcard searches within single terms. Wildcard characters can be applied to single word-searches, but not to multiple-word searches.
Wildcard Searches Type | Special Character |
Single character (matches a single character) | ? |
Multiple characters (matches zero or more sequential characters) | * |
https://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/json/00000/searchEngine/onix3/select?q=TITLE:tes* - displays results of articles where the title starts with “tes”, followed by an unspecified number of characters (example results could contain the words “test”, “testing”, “testprogramma”)
https://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/json/00000/searchEngine/onix3/select?q=TITLE:*der - displays results of articles where the title ends with “der”, preceded by an unspecified number of characters (example results could contain the words “vader”, “moeder”)
https://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/json/00000/searchEngine/onix3/select?q=TITLE:*hui* - displays results of articles where the title contains “hui”, preceded and followed by an unspecified number of characters (example results could contain the words “thuis”, “poppenhuis”)
The Wildcard search can be used to create an autocomplete-function. At least 3 characters must be given
Boolean Operators
Boolean operators allow you to apply Boolean logic to queries, requiring the presence or absence of specific terms or conditions in fields in order to match documents. The table below summarizes the Boolean operators supported by our search engine:
Boolean Operatior | Alternative Symbol | Description |
AND | && | Requires both terms on either side of the Boolean operator to be present for a match. |
NOT | ! | Requires that the following term not be present. |
OR | || | Requires that either term (or both terms) be present for a match. |
| + | Requires that the following term be present. |
| - | The - operator is functionally similar to the Boolean operator !. |
Boolean operators allow search-values to be combined through logic operators.
https://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/json/00000/searchEngine/onix3/select?q=TITLE:huis%20AND%20CONTRIBUTORS:harry - displays results of articles where the title contains “huis” and the author “harry”
https://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/json/00000/searchEngine/onix3/select?q=moeder%20OR%20vader - displays results of articles where the title contains “moeder” or “vader”
https://wsmedia.tlsecure.com/api/json/00000/searchEngine/onix3/select?q=TITLE:smakelijk%20AND%20PRICETTC:[*%20TO%2010] - displays results of articles where the title contains “smakelijk” and which are priced between 0 and 10