Delivery Types

Delivery Types

There is two groups of delivery types.

  • The reserved delivery types are those which has some special functions, or are handeled in a specific way. That list doesn't change, and it's that one we're listing here.

  • The other ones are regular delivery types, the convoyers. That list changes, so we don't list it here.


Delivery in shop

Can be chosen by the customer

The customer has to come to the shop that he will have to select to get his order. No shipping costs are applied. The delivery address is not always required for a cart to be valid. It is not if there are eBooks only, or in case of delivered in shop.

Users having eBooks can't use that delivery method.

Only eBooks

Can not be chosen by the customer

Automaticaly set when every products are eBooks, and removed when not. No shipping costs are applied.

FullFilment - deprecated

Can not be chosen by the customer

It will be set in the ordering process, following the shop preferencies concerning delivery, and if the customer wants to be delivered at home.

Deprecated : it will be set automaticaly, but later in the ordering process. It won't be seen before the order confirmation.

At home

Can be chosen by the customer

This is the default “at home” delivery ; some other convoyers could also be chosen (those aren't reserved delivery types). However, if you give the choice to have specific convoyers, this default type shouldn't be given anymore.

Choice by librairy - deprecated

Can not be chosen by the customer

With that delivery type, every orders will get directly into Medialog. That choice is done with shop preferencies.

Deprecated : it will be set automaticaly, but later in the ordering process. It won't be seen before the order confirmation.

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